EBA Alert
Vacancies |
Vacancies |
2017 18.02
European Banking Authority – EBA Vacancies
Junior Policy Expert (Impact Assessment) PAC CA 04 2017
Expiration date: 08/03/2017
Legal Support Officer Legal CA 03/2017
Expiration date: 08/03/2017
European Banking Authority
Bank Sector Analyst (DOV RA TA 01/2017 Repl)
Publication date: 27 January 2017 | Deadline for applications: 27 February 2017 at 12.00 noon, London time | Status of selection: ongoing
The European Banking Authority is seeking suitable candidates for the position of Bank Sector Analysts in its Oversight Department. In particular, under the responsibility of the Head of the Risk Analysis Unit, the Bank Sector Analysts will play a key part in strengthening the EBA’s capacity to undertake effective risk assessments and drafting clear analytical reports. The Bank Sector Analysts will also contribute to the EBA’s work in stress testing, including the development of the methodology and the coordination of the execution phase. Furthermore, the successful candidates will be involved in the broader debate on banking sector risks in the EU as part of the EBA’s contribution to the European System of Financial Supervision.
Related documents:
Vacancy notice.pdf [PDF, 137KB]
Eligibility criteria grid.docx [DOCX, 63KB]
Job Vacancy
Bank Sector Analyst (DOV RA SEC 02/2017)
Publication date: 27 January 2017 | Deadline for applications: 27 February 2017 | Status of selection: ongoing
The EBA is seeking a suitable candidate on secondment for the position of a Bank Sector Analyst at its offices in London, United Kingdom. Under the responsibility of the Head of the Risk Analysis Unit, the Bank Sector Analyst on secondment will play a key part in strengthening the EBA’s capacity to undertake effective risk assessments and to contribute to the broader work of the Oversight Department. The Bank Sector Analyst will contribute to the EBA’s work in assessing risks in individual institutions and across the banking sector as a whole as well as contributing to thematic work, including analyses of the consistency of risk-weighted assets and stress test.
Related documents:
Vacancy notice.pdf [PDF, 176KB]
Eligibility criteria grid.docx [DOCX, 62KB]
TLS – Associazione Professionale di Avvocati e Commercialisti è lo Studio Professionale che rappresenta PwC Tax & Legal Services in Italia. Presente in diverse città italiane con circa 700 collaboratori , PwC Tax & Legal Services (TLS) coniuga un’attività consulenziale di alto profilo con una solida struttura organizzativa .
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In un’ottica di potenziamento del dipartimento Banking & Finance, sede di Milano, lo studio TLS è alla ricerca di un giovane neolaureato in Giurisprudenza con desiderio di intraprendere la pratica forense ed interessato a specializzarsi in materia di regolamentare , diritto bancario e dei mercati finanziari .
PwC è un network internazionale di servizi professionali multidisciplinari, che opera in 157 Paesi con circa 208 mila professionisti di cui 4.000 in Italia.
La Linea di Servizio Deals offre supporto ai Clienti nell’ambito di operazioni straordinarie di impresa quali acquisizioni, fusioni, cessioni, valutazioni o trasferimenti .
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